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活化廳的「藝術家社區駐場計劃」(二), 這次榮幸邀請到來自首爾的藝術家夫婦KIM Kang 及KIM Youn Hoan作為七月份的駐場海外藝術家。
是次駐場期間,兩名藝術家將為大家介紹佔屋運動(squatti ng)的理論及其歷史,及他們於首爾進行的藝術佔屋行動, 以藝術開放空間使用權的想像。
佔屋行動(squatting),即在未經擁有者允許、 又或反對下, 意識地佔用及生活在一些空置或廢棄的私人或公共建築物的行為。 佔屋文化由來以久, 由歐洲封建時期遊牧民族在大莊園上建立他們的村莊, 到自六十年代末歐洲興起持續多年的佔屋運動, 更發展出北美及歐洲一些更著名的佔村(Squat village)行動。部份地方政府,如荷蘭, 亦有法例讓佔屋者(squatter) 可合法地進駐空置超過一年的建築物。在歐洲, 佔屋者不單是需解決住屋需要的無家者,也包括社運人士及藝術家。 他們的佔屋行動是為了實踐不同類型的文化活動, 如將建築物改變成臨時演唱場地、社區中心、圖書館、免費商店等。
KIM Kang + KIM Youn Hoan在接觸到佔屋行動(squatting)後, 極力把佔屋運動帶到韓國去。2004年,他們成立了Oasis project,嘗試以佔屋形式進行不同形式的集體創作, 其中包括佔據Korean Artist Centre以表達當地藝術家欠缺創作的物理空間的訴求。
香港此一彈丸之地,深受地產霸權之害。如油街藝術村, 就因地段被放進拍賣勾地表,藝術家即被驅逐,樓廈卻一空十載, 白白造成寶貴的社會空間資源的浪費。在新自由主義下, 熱錢資本可自由全球進駐流動, 更使土地和樓宇成為投資增值的炒賣對象,出現「有屋無人住、 有人無屋住」的情況。另一方面,隨城市更新的過程, 居住較舊區的人們,也因發展之潛利而被迫離開, 部份社區的日常生活空間, 也漸漸變得商業化而必須以消費換取使用權。「佔屋運動」 正就人對生活空間的基本需求, 提問土地空間與及社會及自然資源的擁有權誰屬? 生活空間為什麼必須以金錢交換的問題?因此, 佔屋不止是表達訴求的行動, 而且實而是一種嘗試脫離資本控制的自主生活方式。
是次駐場期間藝術家將為大家介紹他們於首爾進行的藝術佔屋行動: Oasis project 及介紹一個由首爾工業區演變成的藝術家自主社群的Mullae藝 術區為主題的展覽, 把兩地因租金上升面臨轉變的藝術社群生態連結呼應。
另而他們亦會舉辨將舉辦一連三場的S.G.I.S (Squat Geography Information System)工作坊,參加者可共同進行一個本地廢置空間研究, 合作勾勒一個可供佔屋者使用的資源庫。
最後, 是次駐場更特別邀請到藝術家的母親和他們的九歲女兒共同教授各位 街坊她們的獨門泡菜製作方法,觀迎參加者即時參與, 醃製出美味泡菜回家品嘗。
介紹藝術家於韓國進行的佔屋行動:Oasis project及自主藝術家社群Mullae artist village的活動。
展覽開幕:10/7 (日/SUN) 下午6:00
藝術家講座:10/7 (日/SUN) 下午3:00-5:00
地點: 油麻地上海街404號地下 活化廳
展覽日期: 10/7-10/8 (closed on Mon)
展覽時間: 1:00 p.m - 8:00 p.m
S.G.I.S. (Squat Geography Information System) 工作坊
第一節 14/7 下午6時半
第二節 17/7 下午2時至8時
第三節 20/7 下午6時半
S.G.I.S.系統是一個佔屋者根據城市中廢置空間及其背景而 製作的資料庫。是次工作坊分成三場, 期間將介紹佔屋運動的歷史及他們於韓國進行的佔屋行動。
16/7 下午5時正
韓國人幾乎每家每戶自行醃製泡菜, 更發展出的各自根據不同口味的秘方。 是次工作坊邀請到藝術家的媽媽和他們的九歲女兒親自教授各位街坊 她們的獨門泡菜秘方。觀迎參加者即學即試, 醃製出美味泡菜回家品嘗。
KIM Kang + KIM Youn Hoan是韓國一對藝術家夫婦組合, 二十年來一直從事跨界別藝術創作,策展及研究工作。作為藝術家, 他們的作品及文章於世界各地廣泛發表,包括智利、烏拉圭、阿根廷 、巴西、德國、法國、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、新加坡、印尼、日本及首爾 。
作為策展人,過去他們曾策劃Gang Gin國際駐場計劃、 拉丁美洲藝術行動之旅和智利行為藝術雙年展等。2004年, 他們創立OASIS Project,結合藝術與佔屋行動, 活化城市中的廢置空間計劃。2007年, 他們於首爾一個由工業區演變成的自主藝術社群Mullae- Dong artist village 中設立工作室LAB39,研究區內藝術生態群及其面對的問題。 他們亦著有一部詳盡介紹佔屋文化(Squat Culture) 及各地佔屋運動發展的著作《Art of Squat》及《Laboratory of Art and Life_Squat artistic》。
KIM Kang現為首爾Kyung Hee University講師,KIM Youn Hoan則是Seoul art space 的總監。
Wooferten Artivist in Residency Program (II) has invited KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan, an artist couple from Seoul to stay in Hong Kong for the month of July. During the residency, they will present an exhibition, a talk and a series of workshop surrounding the topic of squatting.
When they were studying in France, KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan first came upon squatting. Squatting, is actually the act of occupying emptied or unused spaces in the city, without permission from the property owner or the government. There is a long tradition behind squatting, from feudal period as nomadic people erected their villages in feudal land, to its blooming in recent few decades. There are even Squat Villages in Europe and North America. Some countries have even developed laws to facilitate such property ownership changes. In Europe, squatting is not just for to satisfy the need of the homeless, but also include artists and activists. Their squatting are more for practicing different form of cultural activities and providing various services, such as temporal venues, social centre, library, and communal shop etc..
Since getting a taste of it in France, KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan dedicated to bring the movement home to Korea. In 2004, they set up the Oasis project, which hope to make squatting the platform for different form of group creative actions. Among their actions, included the occupation of the Korean Artist Centre to protest against the lack of physical space for artists to work.
In Hong Kong, a place which space is often considered a scared resource, suffering under the hegemony of land developers and the government, squatting has definitely its relevance. Rooftop housing, for example, could also be considered a form of squatting. Oil Street Artist Village, too, has been dispersed and the building being left emptied for ten years now, just because the land has been put under the list for developers auction possibility. Owe to the unlimited flow of capital and investment craze, house properties have also turned into means of making money, producing housing without real residences, while people are left without housing units. Also, as city redevelopment pushes on, people were driven out of their living neighborhood, and more public communal spaces have been commercialized. Squatting actually responses to such question on the basic need of people’s living spaces, and ask who control and decide on our spatial resources. Squatting is therefore not just an action declaring a demand, but also an attempt to have an independent life getting beyond control of capitalism.
Our two residency artists KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan will introduce us the history and theory of squatting, and their actions done in Seoul, plus the case of Mullae-Dong Artist Village, on how art could help opening up the imagination of spatial usages. S.G.I.S (Squat Geography Information System) three in a row workshop, will then focus on a local site as research subject, and work on a resource reserve for squatting practicioners.
Lastly, we have also arranged the artist’s mum and their nine years old daughter to teach us their unqiue family receipt on making kimchi, which you could bring home after the workshop.
Media Enquiry:9558 9394 (Fung)
3:00-5:00PM Artist Talk
KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan will introduce their squatting actions in Korea, their Oasis project, as well as activities happening in Mullae-Dong artist village.
6:00PM Opening party
S.G.I.S. (Squat Geography Information System) workshop in Hong Kong
1st Session 14/7 6:30PM
2nd Session 17/7 2-8 PM
3rd Session 20/7 6:30PM
S.G.I.S. is a resource reserve for squatting practitioners based on different contexts. In this series of workshop, there will be a brief introduction on the history of squatting, its development since the 60s, as well as KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan first hand experience out of their squatting actions in Seoul.
16/7 5pm You Dare Learn, I Dare Teach Workshop Series: Kimchi workshop
Korean is famous for their vegetable dishes of kimchi. Each family too, has its unqiue receipt on making their favourite kimchi. In this workshop, one could learn from the artist’s mum and lovely daughter of their family receipt, and produce some kimchi to ferment and serve back home.
Enroll Fee: FREE
About the artists:
KIM Kang and KIM Youn Hoan is an artist couple who have worked professionally in multidisciplinary visual art, curator and researcher of aesthetics for more than 2 decades.
As professional artists, their work and writing has been published and exhibited in Chile, Urguay, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Estonia, Finland, Singapore, Indonesia and Japan and Korea.
They were the co-director of “Gang Gin” International residency program, “Action Tour Project” in Latin America and curator of “Chile Performance Biennale”. In 2004, they co-founded “OASIS Project”. In 2007, she co-founded project space LAB39, They had been researching on art community at Mullae-dong for 3 years.
Kim Kang is also currently a Lecture Professor at the Kyung Hee University in Seoul. KIM Youn Hoan had been the head director of Seoul Art Space. They co-authored the book Art of Squat, published in Seoul. Kim Kang also wrote Laboratory of Art and Life_Squat artistic, published also in Seoul, with its Japanese version coming out in 2011.