藝術創作者以工會途徑突圍對於社會的積極意義 ─ 一種文化運動的可能性
The Social Significance of Establishing an Art Creators Trade Union: The Possibility of Cultural Movements
地點:香港上環荷李活道233號荷李活商業中心10樓,A Space
湯皇珍,行動藝術家,生於中華民國台灣台北,畢業於師大美術系、巴黎第八大學造型藝術系。1991年自法國返台灣,每年持續發表新作計畫,迄今40餘件行動。她長期關注台灣藝術文化生態的締造:1997年發動爭取廢棄十年的台北酒廠作為跨領域藝術展演場地,促成「華山藝文特區」,2008年發動「種植藝術」,2009年籌組「藝術創作者職業工會」,2011年2月成立「台北市藝術創作者職業工會」。今年四月,湯氏將以駐場藝術家身份於本地藝術家組織活化廳進行一項名為「尋找城市裂縫─由台北到香港」的計劃 (有關詳情,請瀏覽部落格http://blog.roodo.com/citybody2011) 。
In 2010, a number of Taiwanese artists gathered together and set up an Art Creators Trade Union to establish a set career trajectory for art workers, labeling new definitions of ‘work’ and invoking public respect for art creation as a profession. The following year, Taiwanese artist and activist Tang Huang-Chen called on local artists to set up the ‘Taipei City Art Creators Trade Union’. Through the process, Tang realised that by connecting the core beliefs of many, artists could indeed trigger a cultural and social movement.
Aside from the need for an independent and autonomous organisation for art and cultural workers, is there any other social significance in establishing a work union for art creators? In this talk, Tang will discuss various issues related to establishing an art creators trade union, from social movement models, identity issues, and ideological definitions of art creators, to the impact and challenge of establishing such a union. She will also relate her discussion to her travelling project, entitled Go Traveling IX / The Sojourner.
About the Speaker:
Artist and activist Tang Huang-Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, and the Department of Plastic Art, University Paris VIII. In 1991, Tang returned to Taiwan from France, and continued initiating art projects and more than 40 actions to this day. Tang has been consistently concerned with the development of the Taiwanese art and cultural ecology. She transformed a wine factory that had been abandoned for 10 years into a cross-disciplinary exhibition and performing art space, and thereafter launched the ‘Huashan Art District’ in 1997. In 2008, Tang initiated an art action project entitled ‘Plant Art Act’. She and several other Taiwanese artists set up the Art Creators Trade Union in 2009. In early 2011, she set up the Taipei City Art Creators Trade Union. In April 2011, Tang will be stationed at the local Hong Kong organisation, Woofer Ten, as their artist-in-residence and will initiate a project entitled In Search of the Crevice in a City – from Taipei to Hong Kong (tentative translation). For more details, please visit: http://blog.roodo.com/citybody2011