2011年8月5日 星期五

S.G.I.S. Workshops In HK

S.G.I.S. (Squat Geography Information System) 工作坊 // S.G.I.S. Workshop in Hong Kong


This project was proposed to expand the Squat project in Korea after the OASIS Project’s experience. The project investigates real estates that are owned by big conglomerates or governmental organizations to discover which real estate is not used or is neglected in order to map space in Seoul for Squat. This project involves collecting and analyzing data, investigating, discovering, squatting, involving neo-communities, engaging squartist international, and including Art Squat International Line (A.S.I.L.). This project includes liberal art, art, research, and daily activities that are all combined and all intercross capitalism. These elements prove what is needed for squatting through concrete activities and by minutely theorizing all of the processes.

Workshop 1:
Introduction on the history of squatting

Workshop 2:
Site - visit of Local  vacant  houses
and squat

Oil Street Artist Village
Red Houses in Quarry  Bay
Kwun Tong Industrial Buliding
MaPoPo in Fanling

Workshop 3:
Discusssion and
Empty House Mapping

